On Wednesday April 10, from 10:30am -
noon, I'll be giving a demo at the Concord Art Association, in
Concord, MA,
called "Uncommon Cards:
Creating large work to make small cards." At the demo I'll be showing
and discussing my artwork, I'll demo how I work on a piece of art, talk about
my upcoming book Uncommon Cards, and I'll show the actual cards that will be in
my book. I will also be answering audience questions. Unfortunately there has
been a delay in the publication date of my book, so I will not have the book
there to share.
On Thursday, April 11, at 7:00pm, I'll be on a participating in "The Experience of a Coaching Group for Artists," a panel discussion with artists who are in the exhibit, A Room of Our Own, at Concord Art Association, who are also a part of a ten person, self-coaching artist group. We'll discuss how often we meet, what professional development topics are discussed and what a typical meeting entails. Group members will share how their careers have developed as a direct result of the work done in the group and from networking with each other. There will also be time for questions.
artists in the panel, and art exhibit, are: Adria Arch, Brenda Cirioni, Jodi
Colella, Catherine Evans, Ilana Manolson, Margot Stage, Kathleen Volp, Martha
Wakefield, me (Jeanne Williamson), and Merill Comeau, who will also be the moderator.
A Room of Our Own
is on exhibit through May 5, 2013. My work in the show is my semi-autobiographical
series, (Fence) Shirts And (Hot) Flashes #1-6,
and a temporary art installation is outside.
Shown above: (Fence) Shirts And (Hot) Flashes #1, mixed media on cradled board, 18" x
14" x 1", 2012