Monday, November 3, 2008


This small cartoon was made in late 2003, back when I was creating a quilt a week. I made it for my son, who was voting in his first election, which was an unexpected town-wide vote about trash. We had always thought his first vote would be in the 2004 Massachusetts Presidential Primary.

I'm posting this, to show how easy it is to vote, and to encourage all US readers of my blog to do the right thing, and cast your vote for president and any other candidates/issues in your area.

Not only will I be voting, but I'll be at the polls from 7am-8pm checking voters in/out. I answered the call from Town Hall to help on election day. With over 90% of the electorate expected to vote, it's going to be a busy day. I'm taking the day off from art making. That'll have to wait until tomorrow.