Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fence/Curtain 1.0 - First Rain Storm

This afternoon, my husband and I went to visit my art installation, Fence/Curtain 1.0, at the ConstellationCenter in Kendall Square in Cambridge, MA, taking advantage of how each year we like to try to see outdoor art on Rosh Hashana and/or Yom Kipper, if we can.

This is the first time my husband got to see my piece installed. He did get to see it while being made, since I made it in a part of his office, AKA my temporary "studio annex."

Rain moved through the Boston area last night and then torrential rain came through this afternoon, so Fence/Curtain 1.0 has formally been introduced to the elements. I love how the cut flaps are starting to curl a little at the edges, and how the fabric is starting to hang as gravity wants it to.

The two pictures above are the piece from the back. While I made it to be seen from the front, I'm pleased that the back looks good too.