We first went to the Clark Museum in Williamstown to see the El Anatsui show, which is open until October 16th. This was the second show of El Anatsui's work that my husband and I have seen of his in a little over a month. We saw different work of his at the Davis Museum at Wellesley College at the end of June, before that show closed. Both shows had different work. The work at the Clark was much larger in size.
Then we went over to MassMOCA, to see their exhibits, including the Sol LeWitt show, which I knew my son and his girlfriend would both love. Both are mathematicians. The smiles on their faces, especially when looking at Sol LeWitt's work as they wandered from gallery to gallery and from floor to floor, was wonderful. It was a perfect blend of art and math for them. Very thought provoking on many levels.
There was also a lot of math and art in Federico Diaz's "Geometric Death Frequency-141," which is 50-feet long by 20-feet high outdoor sculpture and made out of 420,000 black spheres.
We also enjoyed Nari Ward's, installation "Mango Tourists." The description of it on MassMOCA's website describes it by saying "Mango Tourists takes the form of 10-foot tall snowman shapes encrusted and embedded with found objects and mango seeds." It's created with strips of foam, but it also reminded me of gigantic rubberband balls. Our family created and played with a pretty big one 10+ years back, and which is currently self-destructing. Ward's piece also has resistors and capacitors in it, as well as the mango seeds. Seeing the resistors reminded me of my father bringing them home from work when I was probably 5 or 6 years old, and how we got to make jewelry out of them. It was nice to share that memory.
Sharing good art and a beautiful wedding made for a wonderful weekend!