Sunday, March 22, 2009


Well, many years ago I vowed I'd never have a blog, and I've been blogging for over two years now. Then I vowed I wouldn't Twitter, and what the heck, I created an account to see if I like it, or not. (Everyone's talking about it, so why not try it!) It's only been a few days, but I do see some good networking opportunities. I set it up so my updates on Twitter also show up on my FaceBook status.

My name is 2 characters too long, so Jeanne Williamson would have had to be JeanneWilliams, or some other abbreviation, so I went with bleujeanne as my user name. That was my very first email address from back when I had AOL 100 years ago. There's not much there yet, but check me out:

The funny thing about Twitter is when you sign up to follow someone, many times they also follow you back. That's very cool, but when I found out that The Onion and NPR News are now following my updates, I didn't know what to make of it. Are they actually interested in what I have to say? I'm gonna guess it's an automatic thing? Need to investigate.

The orange construction fence detail above is what I chose for my background on my Twitter home page. I don't think I want to put an image of my art work there, so why not use my inspiration? I tried since I signed up to upload my background image, but it wouldn't work. The site gets so much use, that I was finally able to upload my background late on Saturday night, when it was slower, because most people have better things to do than sit at their computer (like I was doing).