Tuesday, October 7, 2014

New Home

Seasonal Fences - Summer #2 and Seasonal Fences - Autumn #2 have a new home in a high end residential tower in the Boston area. Both of these pieces were at a Boston art consultant, and they arranged the sale. I am very thankful for their role in this transaction.

The Seasonal Fences series are abstractions of different colors of fences in contrast to the landscape during different seasons. They are mixed media on 22" x 10" x 1"  board, created in 2011. 

I've had good success with this series, which I was doubtful about when I created it. 

Seasonal Fences - Spring #3, is also being sold as a print, Seasonal Fence Print, at Crate & Barrel.

And, Seasonal Fences -Winter #1, Spring #1, Summer #1 and Autumn #1 were purchased by Meditech (Medical Information Technology) in Framingham, MA in March 2012. 

It just goes to show that just because an artist may doubt their own work, others may like it.